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  毛发是身体状况的外在的表现,机体营养不良和新陈代谢异常可引起发质和发色的改变,严重营养不良甚至导致毛发弥漫性脱发。要减肥的女性们,可以通过合理的方式减肥最好不能节食,多注意饮食营养,多吃水果蔬菜,黑芝麻,少吃刺激性食物。以前我以为脱发是年龄的原因,并没有当作一回事,后来看了 姜文清防脱日记 才知道原来脱发是这么严重的事情。他写的文章好多关于脱发问题的知识,想要了解更多脱发问题的朋友可以去百度搜索 姜文清防脱日记 就可以看到他的文章了。




  Beauty of life is not a heart, the importance of the hair to us, as you know, but every hair shampoo hair loss, always worried that one day will drop all hair, hair loss is often what reason be?

  What is the reason of hair loss 1, mental pressure is big

  Under the action of stress, the body hair muscle contraction, hair, upright, plant nerve or central nervous function, xu big changes in the hair follicle dermal papilla and malnutrition, which can lead to hair hair growth inhibition, hair into a rest period and a hair loss.

  What are the reasons for hair loss

  Hereditary hair loss hereditary hair loss, also known as congenital hair loss, inherited from parents. The male is dominant and the female is negative. So you see that male friends have more hair loss, more common, and female friends rarely see bald.

  What is the reason of hair loss 3, postpartum hair hair

  Postpartum hair loss for women. The average woman has a lot of hair loss after giving birth, which is caused by a decrease in female hormones. This normally will return to normal after 6 months, also need not worry, pay attention to good nutrition balance, usually comb a hair more often can.

  What is the cause of hair loss 4, endocrine factor

  Hair growth is affected by a variety of endocrine hormones, so when endocrine abnormality occurs, it causes hair loss and hair loss, most commonly the hair and androgenic hair loss.

  What are the causes of hair loss

  Body disease affected by virus, high fever has damage to the wool mother cell, suppresses the normal wool mother cell division, make the hair follicles in a state of shock and lead to hair loss, such as acute infectious disease, long-term use of certain drugs, etc. As we all know, during the process of chemotherapy, there will be a lot of hair loss, even a bald head is possible. In addition, excessive obesity, though not strictly physical, can lead to hair cell gambling, which can lead to malnutrition. In the same way, excessive weight loss, needless to say, can lead to poor nutrition, and we hope that you will be in good health.

  What is the reason for hair loss 6, physical hair loss

  Long-term exposure to radioactive sources, long time playing computer mobile phone, watching TV and other causes of physical hair loss.

  What are the reasons for hair loss

  The woman of love beauty will often hot dye the hair, so although very good-looking, but the injury to the hair is very big, the hair can become dry and disused fork has no burnish, easy fracture. Reduce the number of irons, do more nutritional care, and protect your hair.

  What is the cause of hair loss 8, malnutrition

  Hair is the external manifestation of the condition of the body, the malnourishment and metabolism abnormality can cause hair quality and hair color change, severe malnutrition even causes hair diffuse hair loss. Women who want to lose weight can lose weight in a reasonable way. It's better not to diet, eat more nutritious food, eat more fruits and vegetables, black sesame, and eat less stimulating food.

  What are the reasons for your hair loss



